Saturday, 3 November 2012

Foraging Firetail

Over the last months there has been lots of fossicking, foraging and pondering....on ideas, life, future and direction....a path is unfolding.....go round....up the ladder......get in knots......let the mud settle.....follow the arrows.

Monday, 4 June 2012

KNIT in Public

KNIT in PUBLIC Come out of the closet and knit in public places! At the Bay Room, Uniting Church Queenscliff, the weekend of the 9/10 June. At ME, Mc Kenzie Ebbles Foodstore, Hobson St Queenscliff, Thursday 14 June, starting in the afternoon and into the evening, open fire, all sorts of eats available. During the month of June groups of knitters will be brazenly strutting their stuff at the various coffee venues in the Borough! Look out for them.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Monday, 16 January 2012

Summer School Drawing and Printmaking 2012

Snap shot of the Drawing and Printmaking class held last week. In workshop we looked at ways of drawing and mark making that related to the printmaking processes. 

The printmaking was taught from the viewpoint as 'taster' workshop for those who have always wanted to explore the printmaking processes and haven’t gotten around to it! 

 The methods of relief and intaglio will be introduced through the use of lino and dry-point and etching. Ways of printing with and without a press, suitable papers and inks will be discussed and demonstrated.

Mixing our own blacks for printmaking.

'Wrestling' with Miss Olley (the press!)

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Eggs in a bucket

The 'girls' are performing. Such beautiful brown eggs. They even laid a special edition for Christmas with little gold stars on them!